姓 名:万 云 | |
职 称:讲 师 | |
职 务:无 | |
所属系:环境工程系 | |
1.国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 31800387, 闸控型流域底栖动物集合群落构建机制研 究, 2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 24万元, 结题, 主持
2.生态环保部, 重大专项, 2017ZX07602-004-003, 水生态修复生物工具种产业化生产与种植装备产业化 开发及推广应用, 2017-01 至 2020-06, 220万元, 结题, 主持
《沉水植物种苗规模化扩繁技术规程》2022年 中国环境科学学会团体标准
1.《水专项成果转化与 产业化推广模式及 淮河项目典型案例研究》水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项 “十三五”成果系列丛书 北京 : 科学出版社,2022
2.Jiachen Shen,Ge Qin,Xu Gu,Yan Liu,Shuqing An,Run Liu , Xin Leng,Yun Wan,* Effects of seasonal hydrological regulation of cascade dams on the functional diversity of zooplankton: Implications for the management of massive reservoirs and dams ,Journal of Hydrology,2022,610:127825
3.Jiachen Shen;Ge Qin;Rendong Yu;Yuxuan Zhao;Jiqiang Yang; Shuqing An;Run Liu;Xin Leng;Yun Wan*;Urbanization has changed the distribution pattern of zooplankton species diversity and the structure of functional groups, Ecological Indicators,
4.Y.Wan;J.Q.Yang;D.W.Zou;J.J.Li;Y.J.Qiao;S.Q.An;X. Leng ; Effects of multi ple dams on the metacommunity structure of stream macroinvertebrates., Marine and Freshwater Rese arch, 2017, 2017(12): 1-9
5.Y.Wan;J.Q.Yang;J.J.Li;D.W.Zou;S.Y.Song;X.Leng;S.Q.An; Community struct ure and distribution patterns of stream macroinvertebrates in the Huai River Basin in China, Mari ne and Freshwater Research,2018,2018(02):1-10
6.Y.Wan;Hu,Jing;Xu,Lili;Xu,Chi;Wan,An;Chen,Yushun;Scale-Related Contribution of Environmental and Spatial Processes to Structuring Phytoplankton Assemblages, CLEAN-SOIL AIR W ATER, 2015,43(12):1592-1597
7.Y.Wan;Xu,Lili;Hu,Jin;Xu,Chi;Wan,An;An,Shuqing;Chen, Yushun;The Role of En vironmental and Spatial Processes in Structuring Stream Macroinvertebrates Communities in a Large River Basin,CLEAN-SOIL AIR WATER,2015,43(12):1633-1639