论文名称 | 期刊级别 | 期刊名称 | 年、卷、期 | 作者 |
Predicting Drug-Target Interactions Based on the Enssesmble Models of Multiple feature Pairs | SCI | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2021,22(12) | 王程 |
Predicting home sale prices:A review of existing methods and illustration of date stream methods for improved performance | SCI | WIRES Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 2021,12(2):e1435 | 史东辉 |
Research on data transmission model of agricultural wireless sensor network based on game theory | SCI | Acta Agriculture Scandinavica,Section B-Soil&Plant Science | 2021,72(1):67-80 | 吴强 |
基于高光谱激光雷达信号强度免校准的煤岩分类(英文) | EI | 红外与激光工程 | 2021,50(10):20200518-1:20200518-9 | 何子辛(学),邵慧* |
基于特征融合的人脸表情识别算法研究 | / | 港澳宝奥苹果手机学报 | 2021,29(1:94-102) | 王坤侠 |
时间:2022-08-06 作者: 浏览:615